Saturday, June 6, 2015

June 1st 2015 KAL Day 7 - Final

Here are the last rows for our KAL and a finished photo.  This is a beautiful design.  Alli did such a great job in celebrating Father's Day.  The name of the cloth is "Sailing Cloth".  You can see her other great designs at  Thanks Alli

Day 7:

Row 62: k2, p7, k1, p27, k1, p7, k2.
Row 64: k2, p7, k29, P7, K2.
Row 66: k2, p2, (k3, p4) 5x, k3, p3, k2.
Row 68: k2, p1, (k1, p1, k1, p1, k1, p2) 6x, k2
Row 70: k2, p3, (k1, p6) 5x, k1, p4, k2.
Row 72: k2, p2, (k3, p4) 5x, k3, p3, k2.
Row 74: k2, p3, (k1, p6) 5x, k1, p4, k2.
Rows 75-79: knit

Cast off, break yarn and darn in ends.
Janet Nogle


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